Thank you for reaching out to us! Here are some of our most commonly-asked questions.
How do I apply for one of the PA Guild Fine Craft Fairs?

All applications for Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen’s Fine Craft Fairs are on To find the application(s), go to: Then, in the “Search by Keyword” field, type in “Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen” and click on the green “Go” button. You will see our applications there. Direct links to the specific applications are also posted on the individual Fine Craft Fair posts as well.

How can I get directions to the Fine Craft Fairs?

On each Fine Craft Fair page, there is an address of the location and a map. To get specific directions from your location:

1. Click the red pin on the map.

2. From there you should see a small pop up box with the link “Get Directions.” Click on the “Get Directions” link.

3. Below the map you will see a blank “From” field, and the address of the Fine Craft Fair. Type your address into the “From” field and click on the “Go” button.

4. To print the directions, click on the “Print Directions” button.

How do I apply for the local chapter craft shows and fine craft fairs?

Application information and contact information for local chapter craft shows and fine craft fairs will be listed on the individual posts here. The PGC Fine Craft Fair Manager is not involved with these shows.