Fine Craft As A Business: Writing an Artist Statement


Writing an Artist Statement: Visual artists are often challenged when asked to describe their work in WORDS(!), but galleries, show applications, and others want to hear you. We’ll help get you out of some common ineffective habits when writing your artist’s statement and bio and give you useful tips to improve yours. “My art speaks for itself.” is a lovely thought, but we all know better. We need to encourage and educate our collectors. What you write and say about your work is important. Let’s learn to craft that with the care we put into our studio.

Our presenter is a PGC Master Artisan with long experience in jurying, managing, and participating in Fine Craft Fairs:
Paula Lewis, Former PGC VP Standards / PA Designer Craftsmen Board Member


    Fine Craft as a Business Workshop

    Recording Date: July 9, 2022

    Length: 1.5 hours

    Location: Via Zoom

    Description: Visual artists are often challenged when asked to describe their work in WORDS(!), but galleries, show applications, and others want to hear you. We’ll help get you out of some common ineffective habits when writing your artist’s statement and bio and give you useful tips to improve yours.